

“Isn't funny, that when you swing, it somehow makes you seem like you can fly away from it all if you just get high enough!” said Kourtney once.

And then it just hit me…how right she was. How real her words were, how true to so many people. And how disturbing. How many questions.

In a grown-up world with so many disappointments so many things to get away from when one should really swing…well why don’t we? Why do we think it’s silly? Why do we always associate swings with children? Why don’t we swing when we grow up? Are we too afraid to hope; are we too afraid to dream, to believe we could fly away from everything? Or did we grow up? Did the life teach us that we could never get high enough, we could never fly away?
We should dream. We should believe. Because our dreams keep us alive, they keep us going.
We could fly even if just for a second. Even one tiny second is enough to put things aside.
How wonderful it would be to be a child again, for a day or so, to swing just for the cause of swinging, for hope of touching the sky, to fly with the birds as you would be one of them. With hoping you could be a Peter Pan, that you will fly, never grow up.

I will go and search for a swing and then just wait for my wind of love to push me high and higher and the disappointments will go away. But I know I’ll have to step on my feet again and new ones will store giving me even more of a reason to start swinging away.

It would be so wonderful to see you all swinging but the hope that you will do so in a near future makes me smile. Search for a swing, sit on it, close your eyes and swing, just for the sake of reaching the sky just for the sake of being a child for a minute, just to be, to breathe, just to feel you are still alive.

posted by calamity @ 8/27/2006 08:46:00 pm  
  • At 28/8/06 6:57 am, Blogger Kourtney said…

    Not only feel like you are alive, but feel like you are flying. Flying away from the problems that are our lives!

  • At 28/8/06 9:25 am, Blogger calamity said…

    so you think you're going to find yourself a swing to swing away any time soon?

  • At 28/8/06 8:10 pm, Blogger Kourtney said…

    I really thought about it today...It is raining though...I normally LOVE to play in the rain as much as swinging but today, for some reason, it isn't calling me!

  • At 28/8/06 9:25 pm, Blogger calamity said…

    cool you at least thought about it seriously, i haven't. shit i really need to find myself a swing, but i don't have a lot of things to swing away right now. you know what i usually do? i go to the forrest and just stay there, breathe the fresh air, climb the trees, just chill.

  • At 30/8/06 8:58 pm, Blogger dusio said…

    I feel the same way often. To swing, or run for no reason.
    "I will go and search for a swing and then just wait for my wind of love to push me high and higher and the disappointments will go away."
    That is a truly beautiful sentence, your words are poetic and beautiful, but more importantly, they are truthful.
    You must have a lovely soul.

  • At 30/8/06 9:15 pm, Blogger calamity said…

    tnx for the compliments.
    well itry to be truthful, and here is the only place where i can reveal the naked truth although i cover it into a veil of fantasy.
    i like to think i have a lovekly soul, i hope i have it and moreover i hope it won't turn darker with years.
    so tnx man

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