

Feed upon my flesh you hungry raven. Enjoy it: young and fresh it is, sweet…How your claws and beak tear up the meat, how delightful this dinner is. I enjoy it very much, we must do this again.
And I don’t suppose her majesty will mind your beak being all bloody – you left it this way in ecstasy of your most perfect meal in wish it would never end, in wish it would stay so, but you DID destroy it. Look at your claws: they still smell like her blood, you’ll be carrying her blood behind your nails for a long time (if you want to or not) and even that will fade away. But there is blood in your inside and it will never go away, you will have to carry it forever, till your forever. You don’t want to? It is too late now; now that you have tasted the blood…you’ll have to live with it.
Or even better spill some blood and leave it there with no one to clean it up, cos’ you know sins and past can never be erased.
posted by calamity @ 6/27/2006 11:40:00 pm  
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