
If any of you wondered my days off were fantastic besides the fact that my contraception pills gave me hudge headaches, besides the fact that when i stoped taking them my ciclus got all messed up again...
Here i go complaining again, but it trully was wonderful, i felt alive again, i could breathe and now i just sit here and and feel life slowly vanishing from me in small drops.

You know when you get all kinds of chocholate these days and holidays are gone, but you still have some of the chocholate and slowly that too is fading away, and when you eat the last piece you feel kinda sad. It's not that you can't afford to buy chocholate on your own it's just that something prescious is going away.
My prescious left the other day too, i still have chocholate though :)
posted by calamity @ 12/27/2006 06:51:00 pm  
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