
what was there
what was there before bridges? did people swim across or they just didn't bother with dealing with each other? how to reach a person when there is no bridge long enough? build one? can we? can i? should we both start each on their own side? will the ends ever meet? should i just take the path where the brige already exists?

posted by calamity @ 5/02/2007 08:14:00 am  
  • At 6/5/07 3:12 am, Blogger dusio said…

    This may be too deep for me. but I like to have my mind tried occasionally.
    How have you been? Hope you are well and your travels are enjoyable.

  • At 17/5/07 1:48 pm, Blogger calamity said…

    to deep? it's just some thoughts ;)
    well i'm fine, same old boring. my travels are great although this one wasn't much of a travel see it took only 4 hours drive from where i live but in slovenia that means entering a whole new world.
    i wish you could see it for yourself :)

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Home: ptuj, štajerska, Slovenia
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