

Have you ever felt like floating? I have. Today as i think about it. I know i have. It must have happened to me like a hundred times before but it is only now that I noticed it. I know I have floated before but i can't remember what was it like. But I know how was it this time. It was better than flying (flying being the greatest thing one could ever experiance: air, freedom, infinity ...) - it was something more. It was like not feeling your body. You are here light as a feather and your body is there clumsy and dirty like a dog (although you don't see it this way while you are in it).
And you float on the wings of wind carrying you... it doesn't matter where as long as you are floating. You could decide which way you want to go, but you don't, because this feeling you have right now is so much better - you're FLOATING. And the space seems so much bigger to you - not scarry - full of beautiful flowers different in colour and shape, all special, but all so attaced to the earth with their roots. You would like to pick them up and take them with you, but you know that that would be their death. So you just pass them with admiration. You wish them to be there for as long as they can bringing colours into this world, making you smile, making you special - you wish they could float someday too.
And while having all this in your mind you can see where the wind is taking you: to the place where life really started for you: the place you got kissed sincerely for the first time, by the person who could love you back as strongly as YOU love. By kiss you do not mean flesh tangling to make two bodies seem as one, no. Two SOULS kissed here that night and made a bond that no force can tear.
And while you're falling to that exact point (though you don't even know where it was supposed to be but you know that this is that point) you can always take a new direction, pick a new breeze, but no, this is THE WAY to go. And you're stunned because your landing will be your death, but you are pulled by it, and IT IS OK it has to be this way, you don't regret takingh this jurney although it was short (flowers still live). The taught od dying where your life started makes you happy. Because you see it makes you immortal.
And soon on that same place two feathers will be lying tangled up, holding tight to eachother so when they burst their remainings will melt together once again.
And they will share every memory, they will be one once more, knowing that there is one little feather going through the same thing as they did.
As you're floating close to the ground... ...your senses are awakening little by little. Soon you're be gone you can feel the ground...NO! you change your mind your hand is reaching but there's nothing to hold on to...
...Then your eyes tired from the computer screen start to ajust to the dark and at the same second you reach for the switch. You turn on the light. Your soul is back in your body. You are here and you live your life on blinded by the delusion that there is no reality more real than this.
posted by calamity @ 5/22/2006 01:19:00 pm  
  • At 22/5/06 2:40 pm, Blogger calamity said…

    and if you want you can live your life as a tomato who knows he can fly and you see that everything is a delusion and that's the beaty of life

  • At 24/5/06 12:36 pm, Blogger calamity said…

    umm if anybody reads this i should warn you that this is an answer to a piece of work and if it doesn't make any sense it may be because of that. And I think all my future post will be written this way.

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